Scotland: MacRoberts announces Euan Duncan as Chair

Leading Scottish law firm MacRoberts LLP announced today that Euan Duncan is the firm’s new Chair.
Since 2015, Euan has been an extremely valued and effective member of MacRoberts’ Management Board. This new appointment will see Euan take on the role of Chair for the firm as part of the updated and widened strategic management of the firm. The new role will involve the strategic development of the business, maintaining and acquiring new clients and contacts and internally encouraging and supporting all members of staff and partners.
Euan is an accredited Intellectual Property specialist and joined MacRoberts as a Partner in 2012. In addition, Euan is Head of the Food and Drink Sector Group, an industry sector that has seen significant growth for the firm in the last few years. Euan’s role as Chair will be in addition to his growing practice as an IP and commercial contracts expert. Euan is also a member of the ADVOC Europe Board.
Euan Duncan said,
“MacRoberts is a firm that has a strategic vision for growth in the next few years. I am hugely proud to be a partner and the Chair of MacRoberts and look forward to assisting with the implementation and achievement of that vision. Our focus will always be on our clients, our business and our people and this role allows me to focus on all of these. I fully support Neil’s approach and his plans for the future of the firm and I look forward to working closely with him to achieve these.”
Managing Partner, Neil Kennedy, said,
“I am delighted Euan has been appointed our new Chair. In my first year as Managing Partner we have set out ambitious plans for the next three years and Euan is the ideal candidate to help us take these forward as we develop our business.”
This announcement comes during a prosperous year for MacRoberts. The acquisition of Yuill + Kyle in December 2017 saw the firm strengthen its debt recovery offering, whilst Neil Kennedy was appointed as Managing Partner of the firm in May 2018. In addition, the firm has recently posted its accounts revealing that profit, turnover and staff headcount are all up on last year’s figures.
In another areas of success, MacRoberts is the only Scottish-based firm to be shortlisted at the British Legal Awards in London this month, for Commercial Property Team of the Year.