March and April were busy months for our Human Rights and Intellectual Property Departments. Partner Achilleas Demetriades participated in a lecture on 23 March in Nicosia, part of a series presenting “The Person Behind the Judgment”, and, together with Mr Alekos Modinos, described the long path to getting the Cypriot law criminalising homosexuality repealed, as a result of the Modinos v. Cyprus judgment of the ECHR. 

Associate Nicoletta Epaminonda attended a Europeana Space Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights, where IP stakeholders came together to discuss, amongst other things, the technological advances that could be used to better enforce IPRs. 

Equally exciting is the fact that Achilleas and Nicoletta are two of the founding members of the Cypriot ALAI (International Literary and Artistic Association) branch: the Cyprus Union for Copyright. Other founding members include, amongst others, academics, lawyers and creators. The union is undergoing rapid expansion, and is already organising its first event. This is to take place on 25 May, and will feature talks on present IP issues by various persons active in the IP sphere in Cyprus, as well as the opportunity for constructive discussion.